I once heard a man quote Mary Kay Ash, (founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics), by stating, “There are three types of people in this world, those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder what happened.”
I have spent some time considering this brash statement and came to the conclusion that, at one time or another we have all been each of those people. There have been times in my life where I have certainly been overwhelmed by the events around me and confused by the quickly changing events. As I considered this, I recalled my feelings on the morning of September 11th of 2001. If there was ever a time I was confused and struggled to comprehend the events that occurred it was that morning. I had echoing in
by mind, “What happened?” or perhaps more accurately, what caused this to happen.
I feel certain at other times I have stood helplessly watching events unfold. Once in my military career there was a horrific accident; we who were close by ran to the scene but due to lack of necessary training, equipment, and experience could do almost nothing but watch those who had the necessary expertise and equipment work to rescue those who were involved in the accident. In time we were able to
help with the “clean-up” but it felt like such a small contribution in the aftermath of the tragedy. I think all of us have experienced the sense of accomplishment that comes with having done something we have worked long and hard to complete. We each have often put in long hours of extended research, organizing, and drafting in our legal practice, either in private practice or serving in a government
position. Even then we must acknowledge we had help from staff, family, friends, and others to make all the effort come together to reach the goal. We make things happen when we work together toward a shared goal. This is in many ways the epitome of the nation’s motto, “E Pluribus Unum.” This month, on the 25th of April, we, as the Weld County Bar association, have an opportunity to come together to select our organizations leaders for the next term, and recognize those of our ranks who
have made things happen to better the profession and even the lives of the people of Weld County. This is a time we can demonstrate, as the legal profession in our county, our ability to embody the E Pluribus Unum that can allow us to make great things happen in our community. Take a few moments to consider who amongst our ranks should lead us over the next couple of years and nominate them to serve on the Board of the Weld County Bar Association. We need people to “make things happen,” perhaps you are one of those. Also, consider who should be recognized for their efforts to improve the legal community and pass on those names for consideration as the Board identifies who will be honored this year. This is your opportunity to make things happen watch things happen, or wonder what happened. Last of all – join us at the annual meeting to enjoy the fellowship and camaraderie of your fellow legal professionals.
--- Joseph Bodine